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Title: Residue Detection In Meat and Feed
Date: 05-Apr-2008
Description: ELISA Presentation and Hands On Training (March 31-April 1, 2008)

The detection  of illegal veterinary drugs, toxins and possible chemical contaminants is becoming increasingly important to ensure food safety.  For food manufactures and exporters, it is now mandatory to ensure their produce and products are free from prohibited substances.  However,  ELISA applications as a screening tool  has resulted, in  false positives or false negatives.

LIR Biotech conducted a two day  training and presentation at  Malaysia's   MKAV (National Veterinary Public Health Laboratory). We worked  with the laboratory staffs on principles of  ELISA, related technical issues (eg. CC-alpha, CC-beta, pit-falls, limitations etc.)  and operational techniques.  Chicken meat  and different compounded feed were processed and  tested for nitrofuran.  Results were discussed and potential issues raised in response to the information provided.

We offer an extensive range of ELISA kits for detection of  veterinary drugs, banned substances,   mycotoxins, contaminants.   We  provide turnkey solution by integrating equipment hardwards, detection platforms and training  for ELISA based residue testing.  Visit  the Immuno-Assays Diagnostic page for general information. 

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