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Title: Disease Detection Seminars in Bangladesh (July 3-13, 2009)
Date: 17-Jul-2009
Description: Introduction of I-Screen

A major problem in aquaculture  is  viral disease .  WSSV is rather prevalent in Bangladesh. Efforts are now being made to screen and detect WSSV carriers in the sub-clinical stage.

LIR Biotech together with Advance Animal Health Science Co Ltd  recently organised a road show  at  Sakthira (grow-out region)  and Cox Bazar (hatchery and see production area) to educate the authorities and industry on the development , technology and principles of detection platforms available. We focussed on  the I-Screen  nucleic acid isothermal amplification  mobile and on-site  testing  system with sensitivity equivalent to nested PCR results.  The I-Screen  WSSV was highlighed and demonstrated .  Great Interests were generated as this sensitive platform is within reach of  hatcheries and farmers. 



      Seminar - 1  at Satkhira                                                          Seminar - 2  At Cox Bazar



Seminar -2 Attentive Participants                                               Monodon Post- Larvae  13


 I-Screen WSSV Test by  Dr Banya Banowary



Demonstration and results with I-Screen  WSSV samples from hatchery , wet market  and pond. Note the positive samples.





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