With this exciting tie up, we can offer low cost, high volume, reliable dioxin and dioxin like PCB screening test to government and industries. DR-CALUX dioxin screening meets the performance and guidelines for analytical test 2002/657/EC. Moreover DR-CALUX is validated and comply with requirments of 1883/2006/EC Directives for food and feed testing and is a prefered dioxin screening method.
LIR Biotech can provide DIOXIN screening for
1. Feed, food, environmental samples (water, sediment, fly ash ) , blood etc
2. Licensing - transfer of technology with training to establish bioassay set-up
BDS has established different bioassays platform for different applications - pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, environmental. sports doping etc.
DR-CALUX - Dioxin
AR -CALUX - Androgenic compounds
ER -CALUX - Estrogenic compounds . Other bioassay is under-development.
Contact us for more details.