Our Business Model - Intergrated Solution Approach
The process of setting up a system, example laboratory.
- Need Assessment
- Short , Mid, Long Term
- Solution and Provision
- Suitable Tools
- Suitable Platforms
- Integration
End Result - Productive Outputs
The TOTAL SOLUTION CONCEPT addresses the purpose/objective, needs, provision, solutions (suitable tools and platforms) and skills training from beginning for the specified application. We integrate and stitch each component into a seamless, functional and productive system. We provide :
1. Hardware
2. “Software” – detection platforms
3. Skills and application know-how training and development
Talk to us and use our expertise.

The CONVENTIONAL APPROACH is to view the process as discreet components. You complete and progress from one component to the next in a linear fashion. Begin with sizing and hardware procurement, followed by equipment training . Next, adapt test /assay to equipment. Or to read up and search for knowledge and skills for particular applications. Many times, because of NO INTEGRATED approach, mismatch occurs leading to inefficiencies, wastage and expensive redress.